PDFCool Studio Help
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Previous Document
Display the previous PDF document as the current document;
Next Document
Display the next PDF document as the current document;
Split Document
The user can copy pages from existing PDF documents and re-use them to assemble several new documents;
Combine Document
The user can combine all or partial pages of a variety of individual PDF documents into a new PDF document;
Insert Document
The user can easily add all or partial pages of a certain PDF document to the document;
Compare Document
The user can easily compare all or portions of the document properties and the page properties between two PDF documents;
Compress Document
The user can adjust the size of selected PDF documents freely, so that the adjusted documents can be used for read, print, website or sending emails;
File Attachment
With a number of different file types supported, the user can add file attachments easily, the file types includes text, images, audio and video etc;
Page Header/Page Footer
The user can quickly insert text info in front of or behind existing page content of the PDF document;
The user can quickly insert text and graphics across one or more pages in a PDF document;
The user can easily add color, image or PDF file as background;
Document Property
Help the user to know more details about the document info;
Custom Information
The user can set one or more keys to a PDF document, and add relevant information to these keys. The user can modify the settings either.
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