"Insert page" function allows the user to easily insert images or add all or portions of a certain PDF document to the current PDF document.
From the top menu bar, go to "Page > Insert Page from", and choose a certain PDF document;
Click on the the button of Insert File, and choose a
certain PDF document;
You can choose to insert before or after the current page, the first page or the last page;
The user can choose to insert the image to New Page, Current Page, or All Selected Pages. The inserting location can be before or after the current page, the first page or the last page;
The user can choose the image size as Fit Page Size, Original Size, Fill the Page, or Customize Size. When choosing the Customize Size, the user can customize the width and height of the image;
Click on the dropdown list of Position, and choose the inserting page location. Then set the relevant margin parameters;